Our Packages


Starter Package

6000 INR/ Month
6000 INR/ Year

(80 USD)

  • 3 Pages
  • Logo
  • 1 Banner
  • Dynamic Website
  • Domain Free for 1st Year
  • Hosting Free for 1st Year
  • 1 Email - 1 GB Storage
  • 1 Contact Form
  • Free SSL
  • Testimonials
  • Gallery Section
  • Live Chat Feature
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Delivery in 3 Days
  • Renewal fees 3000 INR
  • Support 300 INR/Hour 


Small Business Package

12000 INR/ Month
12000 INR/ Year

(160 USD)

  • 10 Pages
  • Logo
  • Slider
  • Dynamic Website
  • Domain Free for 1st Year
  • Hosting Free for 1st Year
  • 2 Emails - 1 GB Storage Each
  • 1 Contact Form
  • Free SSL
  • Testimonials
  • Gallery Section
  • Live Chat Feature
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Delivery in 7 Days
  • Renewal fees 3000 INR
  • Support 300 INR/Hour

Ecommerce Package

24000 INR/ Month
24000 INR/ Year

(320 USD)

  • Upto 100 Products
  • Logo
  • Slider
  • WordPress Website
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Domain Free for 1st Year
  • Hosting Free for 1st Year
  • 1 Contact Form
  • Free SSL
  • Live Chat Feature
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Delivery in 15 Days
  • Renewal fees 3000 INR
  • Support 300 INR/Hour 


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